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About Us

Bob & Heather

Cabo San Lucas Honeymoon

Bob & Heather first visited Guatemala on a short term mission trip, in 2013. Heather had hoped to grow closer to the Lord, Bob hoped to see some awesome scenery. 


They were forever changed by the experience,

Bob met Jesus as a result!


After that first trip they started making plans to come back. They visited again in 2014, for a month. They feel even more in love with the Fundacion Salvacion. They began planning for their third visit and for the possibility of applying to teach sometime in the future. God, however, had other plans. In 2016 they were invited to work at the Fundacion, long term, as house parents. They jumped up and down with excitement, and then immediately accepted. The next months meant working long hours and saving for the transition.


Due to circumstances out of their control, they were forced out and are no longer allowed into the Fundacion. They now live with their son Antonio and daughter Seraphim in Antigua Guatemala. 


Bob and Heather own a small mineral business and write this blog.


The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests,

but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."

                          Luke 9:58


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