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Closed Doors

We have made quite a bit of progress this month! It has been eventful!

Heather worked 19 days straight in the month between her two jobs, sometimes working both jobs in one day.

Bob has been working insane hours and managed to increase his sales 34% this month. The business is really taking off now! He has also been selling off things in the apartment.

We began attending a new church! We haven't been able to attend church due to our schedules but found a church nearby with a 6pm Sunday service! Victory may be our church home until we move to Guatemala. It felt so wonderful to be back in the Lord's house and to worship with other believers. Community is so important!


Here is an update of our financial progress:

In May we had $1,647 / $10,034 paid off! (16%)

In June we had $5,185 / $10,034 paid off! (52%)

In July we had $6,611 / $10,919 paid off! (61%)

Heather had a sleep study done in March. We got the medical bills in the mail: $765 and $120,

as a result we needed to increase our total debt to pay off from $10,034 to $10,919.

This month we made great progress!

$210 to finish a car loan we had from a car that was totaled in December

$300 to begin a small emergency fund

$1796 in student loan payments (We PAID OFF Navient! Only Sally Mae left!)

In August we hope to FINISH paying off the last student loan and begin to tackle the medical bills. After that we can start saving!


In church this week The pastor asked us if we have ever had a time when we were sure we were doing the right thing and it didn't work out? He explained that doors in our life opening and closing are a part of the path that the Lord has for us.

When we were invited to Guatemala I has several scholarships, fully paying for my private school. I had a 4.00 GPA and had passed all of my teaching exams on the first try... My life seemed to be perfectly on track. I was planning on finishing school, working for a few years, and then moving to Guatemala if I was accepted as a teacher.

That door shut when we were invited to be house parents. I never had even heard of a house parent until I saw Becca & Brooklin doing it. I never knew it existed. When we saw their photos and read their blog God started growing the desire in our hearts. We began to feel very dis-satisfied with waiting to go to Guatemala.

We never expected to be house parents but it was just what we had been looking for all along.

"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" - the things God has prepared for those who love Him.

1 Corinthians 2:9

God had our path completely planned out the whole time!

We feel afraid sometimes that we wont be able to save enough.

When we remember: God has clearly spoken to us about going to Guatemala we laugh and remember how silly it is to worry about whether or not God can make something happen.

God is bigger than my finances.

God is bigger than my life.

God is bigger than any medical bills... even when they are frustrating.

Our God is a faithful God.

Our God is a generous God.

He is a good good Father.

He can handle this!

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