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If God Speaks Through Dreams, He Does So Loudly

I have been taking a natural sleep remedy called Melatonin for the last month. It helps knock me out at night when I can't fall asleep - which with a pregnant wife, two young boys under five that have night terrors, two crazy cats, and another twelve boys who either talk or fart in their sleep throughout the night - it's surprisingly hard to sleep some times.

Melatonin has several possible side effects, but the only thing it causes me to have is very vivid and intense dreams, which I usually enjoy. I'm unsure if God talks to people through dreams, but if he does, he does so very loudly.

Throughout this month, I have had recurring dreams about a lot of the girls at the Fund. I have been reaching out to them much more than usually because a.) not a lot of people do and b.) because they are awesome. Heather and I hope and pray for a lot for all of the kids, but most importantly, we hope they overcome their bad situations, grow up and have a great and successful life, and follow Christ. The older girls have such enormous potential, we can't help but notice it.

Anyways, two particular girls I have been reaching out to more than any, which is odd cause I know very little about either of them. But they both need it badly, and I have lots of love and a little energy to spare, so I jumped in and started.

I had the following two dreams about these young girls, both crazy and incredible. The first I had already wrote on my Facebook, but I'll recap here quickly:

In the first dream, Heather and I were getting all the boys ready for lunch and decided to invite this girl to eat with us (which she has been on occasion). We couldn't find her though, so went into a room in the back to look for her.

In the room, it was completely pitch black, and we walked through it to get to the other side. Eventually, we saw a small faint light on the other side of the room, where the little girl was sitting at a table with chess pieces on it with a lit candle. We went up to her and she was crying and panicking very badly, so we took her and started to walk with her through the darkness back out into the light.

The following night, I had a dream about the second other girl:

In the second dream, the girl had been adopted by her family and left. No one had heard from her or her family, so we all were worrying. Heather and I decided to go looking for her. We looked all over the place, eventually arriving at a large shack-type building complex. We walked inside and, similar to the other dream, was very dark inside. Only dimly lit by a few scattered candles. The inside was a large labyrinth of shacks so we had to make our way through. As we looked deeper and deeper in the maze, it got darker. Eventually, we arrived at a random door and a woman walked out holding the girl in her arms (now the size of a baby) swaddled in a white cloth. The woman held her up to us and I took her and we began cuddling her and calming her, making our way back out of the dark maze into the light.

Some times God speaks loudly. Some times, with a thunderous roar.

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